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First Time Homebuyer Seminars Drawing Attention

As the market changes realtors are looking for a way to meet the demands of today's buyer.  Open houses are over rated and cold calling is dead.  As a way to reach out to potential homebuyers, myself and my team have come up with a plan to both inform buyers and provide them with the necessary tools they need to buy their first home.  This all sparks from the homebuyer stimulus plan that was activated and then extended last year through April.  With the first time homebuyer tax credit in place its our job as realtors to reach out to the public and guide fence sitters toward homeownership and a hefty tax credit.  Our first attempt at holding a FREE homebuyer seminar was a success!  The turnout was more than we expected and we were delighted to meet the demand.  So much so that a second seminar was scheduled a couple of days later and now a third to be held Wednesday, February 24th at 6pm.  The venue is the same as before:  The Vaughan Company Realtors office at 9551 Paseo del Norte NE.  The marketing plan called for 50+ signs to line Paseo del Norte informing the public of the time and arrows pointing to the place.  Come on out this Wednesday and see what it takes to become a first time homeOWNER in this changing market.  Free snacks will be provided.  Just follow the signs!

Call SKIP ADAMS at 275-4080 for more information

Skip Adams, CSP

Skip Adams, CSP
Venture Realty Group